[5] SAWAN, M., “Handbook of Biochips: Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and Medicine” Handbook, Springer, 2022, 1460 pages.
[4] RADIN R.L., MACHADO M.B., SAWAN, M., GALUP-MONTORO C., SCHNEIDER M.C., “Handbook of Ultra-low Voltage Circuit Techniques for Energy Harvesting” Book, Springer, 2022, 149 pages.
[3] SAWAN, M., YANG J., TARKHAN M., CHEN J., WANG M., WANG Ch., XIA F., CHEN Y., “Emerging Trends of Biomedical Circuits and Systems”, Book, The essence of knowledge, Dec. 2021, 201 pages.
[2] BHUNIA, S., MAJERUS, S., SAWAN, M., “Implantable Biomedical Microsystems: Design Principles and Applications”, Elsevier, 2015.
[1] NADERI, A., SAWAN, M., SAVARIA, M., “Undersampling Dela-Sigma Modulators: Theory, Design and Implementation”, Lambert Academic Publishers, Book Chapter, 2009.
Book Chapters
[20] FREDJ Z., SAWAN, M., “2D-non-layered materials: Advancement and application in biosensors, memristors, and energy storage, Book chapter, to appear in Semiconductors and Semimetals, 2023.
[19] SU Y., SAWAN, M., “Supercapacitors: Fabrication Challenges and Trends, Invited, Invited, Book chapter, to appear in Updates on Supercapacitors, IntechOpen, 2022
[18] YANG, X., CHEN Y.-H., SAWAN, M., “Photoacoustic imaging for human brain diseases: Applications and trends”, Invited, Book chapter, to appear in IGI-Global, Recent Advancements in Smart Remote Patient Monitoring, Wearable Devices, and Diagnostics Systems, 2022.
[17] ZHANG, H., RONG G., BIAN S., SAWAN, M., “Lab-on-Chip Microsystems for Ex Vivo Network of Neurons Studies: A Review”, Invited, Book chapter in Prime Archives in Biotechnology, Videleaf, 2022.
[16] CHEN, Y.-H., SAWAN, M., “Monitoring Brain Activities using fNIRS to Avoid Stroke”, Invited, Book Chapter, in Infrared Spectroscopy – Perspectives and Applications, IntechOpen, 2022.
[15] MONTAZERI, L., WANG C., SAWAN, M., “Vision: Optogenetics Addressing AMD Diseases”, Invited, Book Chapter, Springer, 2022.
[14] RONG, G., BIAN, S., SAWAN, M., “Porous Silicon Based Biosensors: Technology, Devices, and Applications”, Invited, Book Chapter, Springer, 2021.
[13] KASSAB, A., SAWAN, M., “The NIRS Cap: Key Part of Emerging Wearable Brain-Device Interfaces”, Book Chapter, Chemometrics and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Intech Open Science, ISBN 978-953-51-4953-8, 2017.
[12] TRIGUI, A., MEHRI, S., AMMARI, A., BENHADJSLAMA, J., SAWAN, M., “Prosthetic Power Supplies”, Invited publication, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Book Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
[11] NABOVATI, G., SAWAN, M., “Capacitive Sensor Arrays”, Invited publication, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Book Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
[10] MILED, A., SAWAN, M., “Brain-machine Interfaces for cell manipulation and detection”, Book Chapter, Bioelectronics, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
[9] TARIQUS-SALAM M., SAWAN, M., “EEG recording device for epileptogenic zone localization”, Book Chapter, Principles and Applications of Biomedical Engineering, Academy Publish, 2013.
[8] LESAGE, F., SAWAN, M., KAMRANI, E., “Near-Infrared Light Detection using CMOS Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes (SiAPDs),” Book Chapter in The Wonder of Nanotechnology: Quantum Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, Razeghi et al, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp. 491-531, 2013.
[7] GOSSELIN, B., SAWAN, M., “Embedded Medical Microsystems: Neural recording implants”, Design Technology for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems: Design Theory and Practice”, Heausgeber et al, Book Chapter, Springer Netherlands, 480 p., 2011.
[6] MOUNAIM, F., SAWAN, M., “New Neurostimulation Strategy and Corresponding Integrated Circuits to Enhance Bladder Functions”, Book Chapter, Intech, Jan. 2011, pp. 79-92.
[5] GHAFAR-ZADEH, E., SAWAN, M., “CMOS Capacitive Sensors for Lab-On-Chip Applications”, Book, Springer Editor, 2010, 250p.
[4] SAWAN, M., GOSSELIN, B., “Embedded Medical Microsystems: Neural recording implants”, VLSI Circuit Design for Biomedical Applications, Book Chapter, Angus and Robertson, 2009.
[3] SAWAN, M., “L’Homme réparé : succès et limites de l’implantologie”, Book Chapter, Guidon R., Laval Uni., 2004.
[2] MOUINE, J., SAWAN, M., “Auditory Aids”, Invited publication, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Book Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, p. 651-660.
[1] DJEMOUAI, A., SAWAN, M., “Prosthetic Power Supplies”, Invited publication, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Book Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, p. 413-420.