在科研成果上,本中心今年硕果累累,新增30余篇期刊文章, 18篇国际会议文章,其中包括集成电路设计领域顶刊(IEEE JSSC)1篇,材料科学领域顶刊Advanced Science (封面文章)1篇,集成电路设计领域顶会(IEEE CICC)2篇,人工智能领域顶会(ICLR)1篇,计算机视觉领域顶会(ECCV)1篇。
在项目申报方面,由本中心Mohamad Sawan教授申请的新项目获“国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)外国资深学者研究基金项目(RFISS)”立项;本中心与其他高校和公司联合申报的“脑机接口智能芯片系统浙江省工程研究中心”也最新获批“省级工程研究中心”。
在成员培养方面,本中心新晋2名助理研究员(Zina Fredj和Razieh Eskandari),新增2名博士后研究员(邵楠和Meriem Romaissa Boubakeur),3名博士毕业生(王传庆,夏芬和徐炎琨),3名博士新生(沈思覃,熊康和廖云圣)以及多名科研助理和工程师。
在学术交流方面,本中心主办的科研系列讲座新增17场,Mohamad Sawan教授受邀演讲新增23场,学生出境参会5次。此外,本中心博士生新成立西湖大学IEEE电路与系统协会学生分会(IEEE-CASS),Mohamad Sawan教授也在今年新创立了EISP旗下期刊Neuroelectronics并担任主编。
"New" is the key word for the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence this year.
In terms of research achievements, our center has had a highly successful year, with over 30 journal articles and 18 international conference papers newly published. These include 1 paper in the top journal of integrated circuit design (IEEE JSSC), 1 cover article in the leading materials science journal Advanced Science, 2 papers in the top conference of integrated circuit design (IEEE CICC), 1 paper in the top artificial intelligence conference (ICLR), and 1 paper in the top computer vision conference (ECCV).
In project applications, a new project led by Professor Mohamad Sawan of our center has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) part of Research Fund for International Senior Scientists (RFISS) program. Additionally, the "Integrated-on-Chips Brain-Computer Interfaces Zhejiang Engineering Research Center", a Research and development Center grouping collaborative projects with members from various universities and companies, has been newly approved as a “Provincial Engineering Research Center.”
In terms of talent development, our center has promoted 2 new assistant researchers (Zina Fredj and Razieh Eskandari), added 2 new postdoctoral fellows (Nan Shao and Meriem Romaissa Boubakeur), 3 new Ph.D graduates (Chuanqing Wang, Fen Xia and Yankun Xu), 3 new Ph.D students (Sitan Shen, Kang Xiong and Yunsheng Liao), and several new research assistants and engineers.
In academic exchange, our center has hosted 17 new seminars (CELLS), Professor Mohamad Sawan has 23 new invited keynotes, and our students have attended conferences abroad 5 times. Additionally, the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Westlake University Student Branch Chapter has been newly established, and Professor Mohamad Sawan has launched a new journal, EISP Neuroelectronics, where he serves as the editor-in-chief.
We have selected some of the most representative news images from this year and invite you to join us to review our 2024.
Annual Milestones

The Fifth Anniversary Celebration of CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence,over seventy professors and scholars from within and outside the Westlake University (Jan. 2024)

Founded by Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan, ELSP Neuroelectronics journal focuses on cutting-edge research in the fields of both neuroscience and micro/nanoelectronics (Apr. 2024)
ELSP Neuroelectronics期刊由主席Mohamad Sawan教授创办,聚焦于神经科学和微/纳米电子学领域的前沿研究

CenBRAIN Neurotech Annual Workshop was successfully held in Yiwu. Sixty attendees, including members of the center and experts from electronic engineering, nanophotonics, artificial intelligence, and brain neuroscience, participated in the event (Jun. 2024)

Under the guidance of Chair Professor Mohamad Sawan, Ph.D students from our center established the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Westlake University Student Branch Chapter. It is dedicated to fostering student innovation and collaboration in advancing interdisciplinary research in circuits and systems (Jul. 2024)
在Mohamad Sawan教授的指导下,本中心博士生成立西湖大学IEEE电路与系统协会学生分会(IEEE-CASS),致力于促进学生团体在电路与系统领域的跨学科创新研究与学术合作

The official website of the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence has been completely upgraded. We have added the search and download functions, aiming to improve the user experience (Jan-Jul. 2024)

Professor Mohamad Sawan was awarded funds for the project “Memristors-based arrays of massively parallel ex-vivo and in-vivo biosensing of neurochemicals”. These Research Funds received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) part of “Research Fund for International Senior Scientists (RFISS) program (Aug. 2024)
Mohamad Sawan教授申请的项目《基于大规模并行生物传感忆阻器阵列的体内外神经化学物质检测》获“国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)外国资深学者研究基金项目(RFISS)”立项

The "Integrated-on-Chips Brain-Computer Interfaces Zhejiang Engineering Research Center", a Research and development Center grouping collaborative projects with members from various universities and companies, has been newly approved as a “Provincial Engineering Research Center.” (Nov. 2024)

Our center has successfully completed the renovation of a new Optical Lab. This upgrade significantly improves the interference resistance of our experimental setup, providing a more precise and stable environment for optical experiments (Sept- Dec. 2024)
Keynotes and media interviews

Chair Prof. Mohamad Sawan attended the 2024 ZGC Forum and delivered a keynote speech in Beijing (Apr. 2024)
讲席教授Mohamad Sawan在北京出席2024中关村论坛年会并致辞

Chair Prof. Mohamad Sawan was interviewed by CCTV and CGTN (Jul. 2024)
讲席教授Mohamad Sawan接受中央电视台和中国国际电视台采访

Chair Prof. Sawan delivered a thought-provoking keynote on the IEEE BioCAS'24, and the committee of event presented a recognition award to him as one of the "Top Contributors in 20 Years” (Oct. 2024)
讲席教授Mohamad Sawan在IEEE BioCAS会议上发表了主题演讲,并被组委会授予“20年顶尖贡献者”荣誉称号

This year, CenBRAIN Neurotech Leading Lectures (CELLS) invited 17 distinguished professors and scholars from domestic and international universities and research institutions. They shared their remarkable academic achievements on the BCI, organ-on-chip, and biosignals recording and processing (Jan-Dec. 2024)
Visiting activities of key experts

A delegation from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Professor Mikael Lindström, Professor Urban Westergren and Ms. Yingfang He) visited CenBRAIN Neurotech (Mar. 2024)

Dr. Xiaohua Qu, President and CEO of Canadian Solar Inc., visited CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence (May 2024)

Prof. Rashid Bashir from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign visited CenBRAIN Neurotech (Jun. 2024)
美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Rashid Bashir教授访问西湖大学先进神经芯片中心

Professor Chenzhong Li from Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) paid a visit to our center and gave a keynote on the “Westlake Master Forum” (Jul. 2024)

Professor Ibrahim Elfadel from Khalifa University, UAE, was invited by Professor Mohamad Sawan to have the one-week academic exchange at CenBRAIN Neurotech (Aug. 2024)
阿联酋哈利法大学的Ibrahim Elfadel教授应萨万教授之邀,来到先进神经芯片中心展开为期一周的学术交流

Professor José M. de la Rosa from University of Seville paid a visit to our CenBRAIN Neurotech (Aug. 2024)
西班牙塞尔维亚大学José M. de la Rosa教授访问西湖大学先进神经芯片中心

Professor Honggui Li from Yangzhou University was invited to visit our center
扬州大学的李宏贵教授受邀来访先进神经芯片中心进行访问活动(Aug. 2024)
Talent Developments
Three Ph.D students (Chuanqing Wang, Yankun Xu and Fen Xia) have graduated from CenBRAIN Neurotech(May-Jun. 2024)

Three Ph.D. Students (Chaoming Fang, Jinbo Chen and Hui Wu) went to the Denver, USA, and gave oral presentations on the IEEE CICC (May 2024)
三位博士生(方潮铭,陈锦波和吴辉)赴美国丹佛参加IEEE CICC会议并进行口头汇报

Our Ph.D graduate Dr. Chuanqing Wang went to theVienna, Austria, and showcased his poster on the ICLR (May 2024)

Prof. Sawan and our two members (Dr. Yi SU and Hongyong Zhang) were invited to attended to the IEEE EMBC in Orlando, USA, and showcased their contributions (Jul. 2024)
萨万教授和两位团队成员(苏逸博士和章洪永)受邀在美国奥兰多参加IEEE EMBC会议并展示最新成果

Our Ph.D graduate Dr. Yankun Xu presented his latest work on the ECCV in Milan, Italy (Oct. 2024)
博士毕业生徐炎琨博士赴米兰参加ECCV 2024会议并展示其最新工作

Four members’ research projects were published on the IEEE BioCAS (Oct. 2024)
/From left to right: Jinbo Chen, Dr. Yun-Hsuan Chen, Prof. Mohamad Sawan, Dr. Jie Yang, Wenjun Zou, Xing Liu, Junzhe Wang/
本中心四位成员的研究成果被IEEE BioCAS会议收录

One member of our Center, Mostafa Katebi, presented his work this past December 2024 on the 36th International Conference on Microelectronics in Abu Dhabi, AUE. His contribution was selected one of the best student papers this year.
本中心成员Mostafa Katebi在刚过去的2024年12月赴迪拜参加了ICM会议,他的工作被选为今年最佳学生论文之一
日月如梭,时光匆匆,四季更迭相催。2024年初,在中心五周年纪念庆典的开幕仪式上,Mohamad Sawan教授发表寄语,强调先进神经芯片中心始终坚持着“创新与合作”的工作理念。
At the opening ceremony of our center's 5th anniversary celebration in early 2024, Professor Mohamad Sawan delivered a message emphasizing that the CenBRAIN Neurotech Center of Excellence has always adhered to the philosophy of "innovation and collaboration."
Looking back on 2024, our research has made significant strides in interdisciplinary studies. Through frequent and in-depth academic exchanges and collaborations, we have continued to strengthen the center's influence both domestically and internationally. Meanwhile, in the administrative works, we have showcased the center's cohesion. With collective effort, the PAC team carefully planned a series of social activities, from the picturesque "Longwu Tea Mountain" to the bustling "Heart of Yiwu." Each place has left us with precious memories. Additionally, the renovation of our laboratory and the successful upgrade of official website, both provided our center members with a more convenient and efficient working environment.
With confidence and enthusiasm, we look forward to the next five years, eager to join hands with you to witness more “innovation and collaboration”, and to embrace a future full of "new" hope!